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143 Matches (showing 20 of 143)
£750.00 +
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Joseph Hamilton

Hatchards and Son; Bentham & Co.; Millikin, Dublin 1829
£350.00 +
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Charles Ball

The London Printing and Publishing Company Limited 1875
£295.00 +
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John Charnock

R. Faulder 1794
£250.00 +
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Field Marshal Bernard L. Montgomery (of Alame

Printing and Stationery Services British Army on the Rhine, Germany 1946
£250.00 +
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F. E. Scanlan

Houghton & Gunn 1876
£200.00 +
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Walter Richards

J. S. Virtue & Co. 1890
£145.00 +
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James Taylor (editor)

William Mackenzie 1880
£140.00 +
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Canadian War Records Office; The Pictorial Newspaper Co. 1917
£115.00 +
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Katsuro Hara

G. P. Putnam's Sons 1920
£105.00 +
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Ewen Montagu

Evans Brothers Ltd. 1953
£100.00 +
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Buckingham & Co. 1873
£75.00 +
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Edmund Dane (editor)

Hodder & Stoughton 1914
£51.00 +
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Francis Martin Norman

George Allen 1902
£44.00 +
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Major Seccombe; William Shakespeare

George Routledge & Sons 1880
£44.00 +
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F. Tennyson Neely

F. Tennyson Neely 1899
£43.00 +
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The War Office; HMSO 1900
£42.00 +
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Hampden Gordon

John Lane - The Bodley Head 1917
£42.00 +
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Ernest Ames

Grant Richards 1900
£40.00 +
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John Luard

William Clowes and Sons 1852
£36.00 +
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Hampden Gordon

John Lane - The Bodley Head 1917
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