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246 Matches (showing 20 of 246)
£850.00 +
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Walter Goodacre

Walter Goodacre 1931
£575.00 +
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Michael Faraday

G. Bell and Sons 1932
£285.00 +
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Charles Darwin; Stephen Pinker; Richard Keyne

The Folio Society 2006
£215.00 +
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E. J. Lowe; W. Howard

Groombridge and Sons 1864
£176.00 +
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Hemmati, Hamid

Wiley-Interscience 2006
£175.00 +
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William Rhind

Blackie & Son 1862
£155.00 +
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Chuang, Shun Lien

Wiley-Interscience 1995
£150.00 +
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A. R. Radcliffe-Brown

Cambridge University Press 1922
£124.00 +
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Yamamoto, Yoshihisa

Wiley-Interscience 1991
£120.00 +
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Robert Louis Stevenson

John Lane - The Bodley Head 1930
£110.00 +
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Ursula K. le Guin; David Mitchell

The Folio Society 2015
£102.00 +
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Carl-Erik Sundberg; John B. Anderson; Tor Aul

Plenum Press 1986
£94.00 +
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Ho, Keang-Po

Springer 2005
£92.00 +
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Einarsson, Goran

Wiley 1996
£90.00 +
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David Mather Masson

William & Robert Chambers 1850
£88.00 +
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Betti, Silvello; De Marchis, Giancarlo; Ianno

Wiley-Interscience 1995
£88.00 +
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Buck, John A.

Wiley-Interscience 2004
£78.00 +
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William Harvey; Gweneth Whitteridge (ed)

E. & S. Livingstone Ltd 1964
£76.00 +
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Okamoto, Katsunari

Academic Press 2006
£76.00 +
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Stavdas, Alexandros

Wiley 2010
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