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The Folio Society
The folio society books
Since 1947

The Folio Society

have been publishing outstanding editions of the world's greatest books.

If you are looking for an attractive edition of a certain book, the Folio Society is usually your best choice.

Their books are affordable and of superior quality while their special editions are often spectactular.


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Folio Society /

134 Matches (showing 20 of 134)
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£6.00 +
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George Bull
Folio Society 1980
£6.00 +
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Johann Burchard [Burchart]; Geoffrey Parker (
The Folio Society 1963
£6.00 +
FREE p&p
Anthony [Antoine] Hamilton
The Folio Society 1965
£6.00 +
FREE p&p
William T. Sherman
The Folio Society 1961
£6.00 +
FREE p&p
Maria Perry
The Folio Society 1990
£6.00 +
FREE p&p
Gilbert Phelps
The Folio Society 1962
£6.00 +
FREE p&p
Johann Burchard [Burchart]; Geoffrey Parker (
The Folio Society 1963
£6.00 +
FREE p&p
Lucy Norton
The Folio Society 1982
£6.00 +
FREE p&p
Ivan Turgenev; Rosemary Edmonds (trans)
The Folio Society 1979
£6.00 +
FREE p&p
Roger Hudson; Jerome K Jerome; Max Beerbohm e
The Folio Society 1996
£6.00 +
FREE p&p
Charles Greville; Christopher Hibbert (editor
The Folio Society 1981
£5.50 +
FREE p&p
Fernando de Rojas; J. M. Cohen (trans)
The Folio Society 1973
£5.50 +
FREE p&p
Joseph Addisson; Richard Steele; Eustace Budg
The Folio Society 1967
£5.50 +
FREE p&p
Esmond Wright (editor); Jefferson, Cornwallis
The Folio Society 1983
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